Projects in Development

Change the World!

Gotham Metro in conjunction with The One Percent for Health Foundation, are currently building a slate of multi-media projects that will bring insightful and enlightening information relating to Wellness and Nutrition while bringing Disease Prevention to the world.

Films, videos, Television programming, workbooks and web resources will be designed to ultimately serve as the premiere source of truthful, empowering and bona fide data for great health. We intend to investigate and report findings that dispel corporate agendas, Government failings and political policies with ‘the truth about your food, illness and disease’.

Our goal is to empower, reveal solutions and inform the world on how we can drastically improve our lives and the world we live in.

The New York Story

Gotham Metro Studios has developed a themed studio and entertainment destination concept that brings the past and the future- to the present!


Gotham Metro Properties LLC, an affiliated Gotham company has developed a slate of projects focusing upon the stories and talents around Jimi Hendrix and his family.

The proposed projects include a motion picture based upon the life of Jimi Hendrix, a new CD featuring Jimi’s brother Leon Hendrix and a variety of fund-raisers to benefit the James Marshal Hendrix Foundation.